Sunday, August 9, 2009

Olivia's Baptism

Today was Olivia's Baptism and all seven of our grandchildren were there! It was wonderful except for Alexis who started crying out, "I want to be Baptized!"

Is that delight or shock and awe on Greg's face as we have dinner all together after the baptism?

Matthew waiting for more apple juice (he's addicted!)

Jennifer with William just before leaving

Jennifer with Matthew (3) Alexis (2) and William quickly trying to get in before the snap!

Fun with our Grandchildren

Jo Rita with Alexis (Brittany's)

London (Eric's two year old)

Jennifer with Matthew, Andrew and Olivia
in the pink goggles.
Matthew (Jerilyn's three year old)
Jerilyn's three boys: Matthew (3) Andrew (15)
and William (5)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Making snow angels!

Jennifer gathered around Jerilyn's boys. They love to be with their Auntie Jenn! Somehow she reminds them of their mother. Imagine that!

Andrew in his new snowboarding clothes - thanks to sweet Aaron!

He looks like a little guy from the Ukraine

This is even after William's crash wounds!

Matthew is one tough guy!

Go Matthew!!!

Lala loves her Livy! And you can see why!

Andrew doing a little sledding with Lala, Maude, Aaron and the boys. What fun we had. Matthew was fearless and William had a huge crash and ended up a little bloody but he is such a touch guy and rarely cries when he get hurt!

Catching Up